Be Still
Using Gospel Principles to Lower Anxiety
By G. Sheldon Martin
Actually this is a 3-CD set but never a book. The author is a LDS Seminary teacher and a mental health counselor. He recorded talks that he gave on the subject and published them. I listened to them 3 times and finally took notes. I think it is well worth the time.
1. Focus on a positive thought. If someone tells you to not think of a pink elephant, you will think of a pink elephant. It is not enough to tell ourselves not to think of the things that cause us stress or anxiety. We must replace them with positive thoughts.
2. Focus on the future not the past.
3. Focus on the direction we are going. If we are going in the right direction, then half the battle is won.
4. Do not look past the mark. The mark being Christ. Meaning, do not get so wrapped up in the law, that you forget what is really important.
5. Obedience has nothing to do with righteousness. Obedience is good but you can be very obedient and not be righteous.
6. Being righteous and doing good is more important that the appearance of righteousness and doing good.
7. Make the most of today!
8. Being more ______ (he inserted righteous, but anything could apply) does not mean people will like you more.
9. Choose not to be offended.
10. Sincerely renew your baptismal covenants each week with the Sacrament.
11. Do your best but allow others their agency. They may still not approve of you.
12. Do not negatively predict the future. We often negatively connect the dots to a possible future event because of something negative occurring in our lives right now. Ask yourself, "What can I do NOW to increase my chances that this will go in a positive direction?"
13. Ask yourself, "Have I gone through something like this before? Was I successful?" We are usually tougher and more experienced that we like to give ourselves credit for.
14. REALIZE... I cannot achieve perfection in this life. I cannot achieve perfection without the Savior! So do yourself a favor and give yourself a break. Do the best you can and then look to the Savior to make up for your weaknesses.
15. Be content with what God has allotted to you. He was speaking about Church callings but this could apply to most everything in your life. Not that we shouldn't strive to be our best self, but should be happy with the talents God has blessed us with.
16. We determine the worth of something by what what someone is willing to pay for it. That means each of us is of GREAT WORTH because Christ paid the biggest price for us all.
17. Seek the guidance of God when you have a big decision. You do not know the future or what decision will turn out the best, but He does.
18. Sometimes we beat ourselves up over past decisions. Remember you made the best decision you knew how to make at that time.
19. Find the positives in a negative situation. THIS REALLY WORKS!
20. Do not compare yourself to anyone.
21. Be happy for the success of others.
22. Do not mind read or assume the worst of anyone.
23. Don't forget to eat, sleep, and exercise!
24. Remember prayer and meditation. Take time to BE STILL!
Until Next Time :o)