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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Book # 000

I've had a few readers comment that they are waiting for my next book. 

Well too bad!!! 
Just kidding....
I am reading a book. It's a big book but that isn't why I'm behind. 

Thought you'd like to see some pictures of what has caused the delay.

 A view of my garden from across the street, upstairs in my house.

 The watering system I built this summer to make my life easier.

 Two plantings of corn. 

 A row of sunshine!

 I planted a cover crop of alfalfa on the east side.

 My little helper loves the shadowy space in between the rows of corn.

 Fruit trees, squash, and melons.

 Granny Smith apples -- the only tree that produced this year.

 Pretty purple cabbage.

 Marigolds added another splash of color. 
Supposed to be a pest repellent as well.

 Beautiful Broccoli.

 Jack's magic bean stalk...
Actually a bean plant from some seeds I got from friends.
The seeds were very colorful and almost as large as quarters. 
The red flowers are pretty.

 Celery - a first for me.

 Potatoes - also a first. 
And I learned that if the eye hasn't already got a sprout, it won't grow. 
So I've only got about 6 feet of potatoes.
 I planted the rest of the row with corn.

One of our favorites - yellow banana peppers.

So, be patient with me. 
School starts in 10 days and 
maybe I will find more time to read some books,
before I have to DO something with all those vegetables!

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