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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Book # 25

By Dick Francis & Felix Francis

Dick Francis and I have had a long, satisfying relationship. I was introduced to his books of horse racing, crime, mystery and suspense when I was 18. I was a nanny for a family in Connecticut and the father really liked his books. He knew I liked to read and so suggested I try one. I fell in love! I am not a particular fan of horse racing, or even of horses, especially since I had one try to kill me (lol), and another one bite me (ouch). But I like them vicariously through his books and have learned a lot about horses, racing and jockeys. Which isn't surprising because he was an English jockey before he became a great author. Often he will have the main character working at another profession, as in "Silks", the main character was a Barrister (a English word for lawyer) who rode as an amateur jockey, and so I usually learn about more than just racing. There is usually a little bit of a love story, some action, a mystery, a lot of suspense, and I love his characters because they are imperfect and sometimes scared and far from the hero, but they always come through in the end. 

This story is about an English Barrister, Geoffrey Mason who is being intimidated into losing in a trial where he is representing a jockey charged with murdering another jockey, even though he knows his client didn't do it. There is a mysterious missing photo, some frightening intimidation, an unsure romance (as he lost his wife and unborn child 7 years earlier) and a great story.

Dick is getting old, which isn't surprising considering he had a long list of novels already written by the time I was introduced to him 28 years ago. Luckily for us, he has a son, Felix who has co-written the last few novels with his father and shows every intention of carrying on the great work.

Until next time ;o)

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